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Tiempo España Dance Academy C.I.C. was founded to help communities through the numerous benefits asociated with dance activities. We specialise in Cuban salsa and organise projects and workshops mainly centered around the below services, although we are constantly looking for new ways to use our dance expertise in a way that makes Cuban dances accessible for everyone. We welcome new ideas and challenges so if you would like to organise an event that benefits people in your commnity, please do not hesitate to get in touch.




Provide classes for the elderly to improve physical health and balance and provide a fun activity which also reduces stress

Provide opportunities for engagement of pensioners and the elderly to allow social interaction within the community. Dance classes will allow participants to learn new skills while improving their coordination and general level of fitness. Classes will be tailored to each individual taking in to account any physical ailments they may have (e.g. problems with back/knees) and therefore providing a good level of activity suitable for everyone.


Travel to smaller suburbs and villages to engage smaller communities and provide new activities and sport to the area

Offer people who live in more rural areas or are isolated due to lack of access to a car or public transport an opportunity to engage and interact with others by providing workshops and classes in their area. Engagement with other people while learning to dance and listening to music will allow improvement in general as well as mental health and we hope that this will provide a community feeling of well-being and togetherness.


Sport Activities and exercises

Provide a new form of sport activity to the region and therefore increase the general level of fitness within the community and help to combat the level of obesity and related illnesses. Classes can offer both low and high-impact training and depending on the speed of music and complexity of moves taught, allow for a good cardiovascular work-out or help to improve strength and core fitness.


Provide classes for those with mental and physical disabilities

Provide classes to those with physical or mental disabilities. Being active can be important to staying healthy when living with a disability and our aim is to ensure that dance is also accessible to disabled people. In addition to providing a physical activity we hope that this will help with mental stimulation and providing a goal oriented activity with natural progression through different levels of moves and steps will help provide a sense of achievement. In addition, dancing in pairs and in a group can give participants a shared task that they can complete together and foster creativity.


Provide classes for children

Participants will dance by themselves, in pairs and in groups, allowing them to interact with each other in different ways and learn to work in a group as well as achieve individual goals and objectives. Learning new steps should provide motivation to advance further and also teaches participants the self-discipline required to progress within a class and to help each other to achieve a common objective.

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